几年来,越来越多的东西占据了我的硬盘空间。 视频,烧录的音乐,离线的ArchLinux镜像源… 只是其中的一小部分。我之前的储存方案是一块128GB的SSD做系统盘,1TB的机械硬盘做储存盘。不过因为那块机械硬盘时间有点久了,感到不是很安全。我加了一块1TB的移动硬盘,和之前的那块组成RAID1的硬盘矩阵。
Qml manages to separate UI and backend logic, one can adjust c++ code without breaking UI, or develop different front end without implementing same logic twice. As plasma mobile developers, we can utilize the flexibility of Qml and Kirigami framework. Making apps that look equally beautiful on mobile and desktop platform. However, the high memory usage is its major drawback. On a device like pinephone which only has 2 Gigs of ram, low memory consumption is crucial.