5-Minute Read

PolKit is a standard authorization method for Linux. It usually consists of PolKit daemon, PolKit session agent and the helper program shipped by applications that use PolKit. As a user, you don’t really interact with PolKit itself, usually you interact with PolKit session agent. Like KDE’s PolKit agent:

3-Minute Read

So one thing I’ve been doing past four months is the porting of Formats KCM, but now the scope is no longer restricted in only porting. Alone the process, first the old KCM design isn’t that mobile friendly so I did a re-design. And then Nate pointed out that the Formats KCM is in conflicted with Language KCM, which leads to the merging of Language and Formats KCM. Also the post I made eariler about locales in Linux, that also needs to be addressed. It’s still some work to be…

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A young developer who loves Linux.