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So one thing I’ve been doing past four months is the porting of Formats KCM, but now the scope is no longer restricted in only porting. Alone the process, first the old KCM design isn’t that mobile friendly so I did a re-design. And then Nate pointed out that the Formats KCM is in conflicted with Language KCM, which leads to the merging of Language and Formats KCM. Also the post I made eariler about locales in Linux, that also needs to be addressed. It’s still some work to be…

3-Minute Read

This weekend I traveled to Changsha for the Linux Application Ecosystem Salon 2021 Changsha, which is held by Ubuntu Kylin in the campus of Central South University. The journey itself is uneventful. I’ve never been to any offline Linux events before, I wanted to go to FOSDEM, but then the COVID hit. So anyway, it’s a first time for me. You can view the full news in Ubuntu Kylin’s post

4-Minute Read

Locale is often ignored aspects of a system. Especially if you’re America. For most systems, locale is chosen on installation. But for distributions like ArchLinux, you do need to config locale yourself. Now there’re two ways to config set locale. One way is described on ArchLinux Wiki, edit /etc/locale.gen to enable the locale and use locale-gen to generates it. Finally set $LANG to the locale you want. The second way is to use DE, take KDE for example. You can set locale in system…

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A young developer who loves Linux.